Sunday, January 13, 2019

Spend time with people who are good for your mental health!

Mental Health is one of the most important yet most ignored part of our existence.  There use to be a stigma about mental health issues and people who suffered from them were essentially shunned from the community or told to suppress it and hide it. This has culminated to where we are today living in a world where people are afraid to send their children to school because they could be shot by an unstable child or even an extremely disturbed adult.  Where suicide is no longer shocking and everyone is on a pill for anxiety, ADD, ADHD without the therapy needed to work through the cause.
Having grown up in a family with huge mental health issues that were just ignored, enabled or the person was medicated without any psychological help, I have learned that who you surround yourself with plays a huge part in your mental health. As the saying goes you can lead your family and friends to the psychiatrist but you can’t force them to drink the water!  Ok ok I made up that saying but it’s true.
As I navigate my way around motherhood and parenting I have watched my daughter positively and negatively react to people which shows me that some people are good for you and some aren’t.  If you’re working on your mental health and doing what you can to live a  positive productive life that can by all means include cutting people out who aren’t.  We all share energy and who you surround yourself with fuels some of the energy around you which helps guide you towards being happy inside and out.
So while I always try to give someone the benefit of the doubt or the opportunity to show me that they are working towards dealing with their issues, I honestly steer clear of people once I realize they have a negative affect on me or aren’t willing to do the work to get the help they need.
It’s very important for your own mental health to surround yourself with people who are good for you! The goal in life is to be happy and have fulfillment with your desires so surrounding yourself with people who are good for your mental health is one of the most helpful things you can do for yourself. Life is to short to spend time with shitty people. 

#mentalhealth #awareness #proactive

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